After Facelift Surgery

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Bandaging after a Facelift

Once the surgical part of the facelift is over, you will have your head bandaged up. It is likely that your bandaging will cover ears, go over your head, and possibly under your chin. Application of your bandages does depend on which facelift surgery you had. If you have combined your facelift with a neck lift it is very likely that your bandage will go under your chin; having a lower facelift will also make this likely.

Drainage Tubes

Drainage tubes may be attached to the surgical site. These provide an outlet for fluids so that they do not build up under the surface and create post-operative problems. These are in place for a day or two after facelift surgery.

Hospital Stay

How long you are in hospital for depends completely on which facelift you have had done. A shorter and less invasive procedure means you can leave the hospital much more quickly. Certainly if you had the thread facelift, for instance, the after effects of general anaesthesia do not apply. This is because you will not have had a general anaesthetic. This means confusion and emotional lows may not affect you. A traditional facelift, on the other hand, puts much more of a strain on the body; because of this, complications, even though unlikely, are more possible with this procedure. If you are having the traditional facelift, be prepared for possibly having a longer stay in hospital.

Aftercare following a Facelift

Your nurse or doctor will give you advice about your aftercare. They will tell you what to avoid, how long to rest, what to watch out for, and what to do if you think something is wrong.

Driving Home after a Facelift

You must not drive yourself home. Have a friend or family pick you up and, ideally, have them stay with you for at least your first night at home. This is because, if you have left the hospital fairly soon after your surgery, you will be highly medicated. The effects of general anaesthesia can affect your co-ordination and awareness, and cause you to feel nauseas. 

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