Traditional Facelift

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Suitability – Am I A Candidate?

The traditional facelift is the best procedure for all over facial rejuvenation. It generally smoothes wrinkles and reduces sagging throughout the face. It produces great results, but if you require special attention in a particular facial area consult your surgeon about other procedure.

The Procedure

The traditional facelift procedure usually involves an incision being made in the hairline at the temples. This is extended downwards around the ear and then behind it. By making the cut here, scarring is hidden more from sight. The surgeon may then reduce or redistribute fat and underlying tissue is usually repositioned. Excess skin is then removed and it is repositioned over the newly redistributed fat and tissue. When the sculpting is finished, the incisions are stitched, stapled, or glued together and then bandaged.

Other Techniques

Endoscopic techniques are not usually employed for the traditional facelift, but do ask your surgeon. Alternatively, your surgeon can use Minimal-Access Cranial Suspension (MACS). This technique involves incisions made in the temple and in front of the ear. These cuts are smaller than the traditional incision made around the ear and reduce the area of scarring.

Neck Lift

For even better lower facial rejuvenation, the traditional facelift can easily be combined with a neck lift. If you do combine the two procedures an incision may be made under the chin and, similar to the facelift procedure, neck tissue will be reduced or repositioned.

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