Thread Facelift

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Suitability – Am I A Candidate?

A thread facelift is generally best for those experiencing the first signs of ageing. If your facial skin is beginning to sag but has not yet substantially lost its elasticity then thread facelift surgery will provide great results with much less hassle. The thread facelift is meant to be less invasive and safer than the traditional facelift. This especially makes it suitable for you if you have slight facial drooping; scarring is less likely and a general anaesthetic is not required.

The Procedure

As the name suggests, threads are used in this surgical procedure. They are inserted into the face at the point that requires surgical attention. The filaments are threaded into the facial tissue and affixed at a higher point to pull back and tighten. All this is done through miniscule incisions. Unlike the traditional facelift, this procedure does not trim excess skin. This is because, on the whole, the thread lift technique is a cosmetic surgery for minor sagging and trimming of the skin is therefore not required. If you feel you need excess skin removed you may require another surgery, talk to your surgeon about your options.

Advantages of a Thread Facelift

Due to the reduced amount of pressure put upon the body during surgery and the low number of risks involved, the thread facelift is a great procedure. Certainly the procedure takes only one to two hours which makes it a particularly short cosmetic surgery. One of the main advantages of this procedure, though, is that its results, the tightened skin and reduced sagging, are evident significantly earlier than with the traditional facelift; therefore you feel, and enjoy, the benefits much more quickly.

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