Risks of Cerazette

There are a number of risks associated with Cerazette that are also associated with the majority of other contraceptive pills. These risks are very rare but there have been significant findings that show that the contraceptive pill can cause a slight increase in the chance of getting breast cancer or thrombosis. In the case of Cerazette, if you do become pregnant, there is also an increased risk of an ectopic pregnancy.

Cerazette and breast cancer

The contraceptive pill in general has had links to causing an increase in the risk of breast cancer. It has been found that it can slightly increase your risk of breast cancer compared to a woman of the same age who is not on the pill. The risk of breast cancer becomes higher the older you are and the longer you are using the pill for. For instance, if 10 000 women took the pill for 5 years and stopped by the age of 40, there will be 180 cases of breast cancer compared with the 160 cases that are normally diagnosed. This number decreases to 45 cases in 10,000 women who take the pill for 5 years and stop by the age of 30 compared to the 40 that would normally be diagnosed in this age category. Therefore, the pill can slightly increase your risk.

Cerazette is a progestogen only pill and so it is believed that it has very similar effects to these risks but the evidence is not conclusive.  Once you stop taking the pill, the risk of cancer will return to normal after approximately ten years. You should check your breasts regularly, looking for lumps or differences in nipples and should tell your doctor immediately if you notice anything out of the ordinary.

Cerazette and thrombosis

Thrombosis is a risk that can be increased by the contraceptive pill. It is formation of a blood clot that causes narrowing of the blood vessels, which can lead to blockage. The chance of this occurring is increased when you are using the pill because the hormones can increase the blood clotting. However, Cerazette only contains progestogen and there is a lower risk of having a blood clot on this pill compared to the combined contraceptive pills because it is actually oestrogen that has the most effect on the blood.

However, thrombosis is still a risk and can lead to life threatening conditions. If it forms in the arteries near the heart or brain, it can prevent the blood from getting to these vital organs and lead to a heart attack or a stroke. It is important that you report any chest pain, numbness or pains in the legs to the doctor, as these can be some signs of a thrombosis.

Ectopic pregnancies

Although it is very unlikely that you will become pregnant whilst on Cerazette, if you do become pregnant there is more of a risk of having an ectopic pregnancy. This form of pregnancy is where the egg will implant outside of the womb, instead of embedding itself into the uterus lining. It usually implants into the fallopian tubes and this can be fatal in some cases. In all cases, there is not a chance of saving the baby but if diagnosed early, then the pregnancy can be terminated safely. However, if an ectopic pregnancy goes unnoticed, it can lead to rupture of the tubes an a fatal amount of blood loss. Everyone is at risk of having an ectopic pregnancy, but the risk is slightly higher if you are using a progestogen only pill like Cerazette.

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