Viagra & Blood Pressure Levels

Viagra was originally developed to treat high blood pressure and by doing this the health experts found that as well as lowering blood pressure Viagra can also reduce the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. Due to this it is important to remember that Viagra can cause a drop in blood pressure which may cause side effects of dizziness and nausea.

However some case studies claim that a number of drugs which are prescribed for treating high blood pressure such as beta blockers can often be the cause of erectile dysfunction. Beta blockers tend to cause a temporary loss of erections when first taking the medication and the side effects do tend to wear off as the treatment goes on. In contrast to this other studies argue that these high blood pressure drugs do not cause impotence but instead it is caused by fatty deposits within the arteries also known as atherosclerosis which men with high blood pressure are more likely to have.

In recent years Viagra has not only be used to treat erectile dysfunction but Pulmonary Hypertension. Pulmonary hypertension is the narrowing of blood vessels in the lungs this disorder can even be fatal as it puts a high strain on the heart when it has to pump blood through the smaller vessels. Viagra can help this blood pressure disorder through widening these vessels in the lungs and helping to increase blood flow. In this case Viagra can therefore solve two problems at once as men with high blood pressure tend to have erectile problems and by solving this side effect you can be treated for the cause of you erectile dysfunctions as well.

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